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Growing Together

We're here to help you experience the highest level of student impact from your OCDE Project GLAD® training. 

From strategy tips, to underlying principles, to a behind the scenes look at what authentically works, we've got you covered! 

Reenergize and maximize your impact with these monthly tips to support your implementation and increase your student success with OCDE Project GLAD®.

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Strategy Support

Pro tips to maximize the impact and efficiency of strategies.

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Underlying Principles

It's more than a strategy - it's how we teach! Ideas to strengthen your teaching across the board.

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Behind the Scenes

Find out the secrets to what really works and how to modify or extend for your purposes. 

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Online Tips

Click Here for videos that offer ideas and tutorials how to transfer your GLAD® lessons online.

Recent Monthly Tips

GLAD® and the Science of Reading II: Reading Fluency

GLAD® and The Science of Reading

When your Questions are met with Silence

Creating Routines for Motivation

Where do I find time to prep?

Graphic Organizers, Pictorials and Comparatives: What the Big Diffe...

GLAD® Charts and Overstimulation

Building Success with Team Tasks

Team Tasks: for practice or assessment?

Bell to Bell Instruction

Where's My Answer?

Setting Up Your GLAD® Classroom

Tone down the talking (teacher talk, that is)

February Favorites: Add to the Walls

A GLAD® Goal That Brings You Joy

Practice Listening Comprehension with Listen and Sketch

Can the Narrative be done electronically?

Using the Extended Name Tag to Explore Student Identities

What's Up Ahead - Keeping You in the Loop

Monitoring and reporting the growth of our ELs: The ELD Group Frame

How do you motivate students who don't want to engage?

Set the Tone with a Tune

What do you do when team points lose pizzazz?

Spring into Writing

Online Tips

Flipping Out With Hybrid Learning

Opportunities to Move January 2021

Jan 14, 2021

What to do in times of stress - There's a strategy for that!

Mar 25, 2020

I'm a specialist with 6 classes! How do I manage the prep for GLAD?

Feb 06, 2020

Taming the blurting beast

Jan 07, 2020

Everything is good in moderation...even lamination

Dec 04, 2019

Move over grumbling - gratitude coming through

Nov 07, 2019

A FREE monthly boost would keep me stepping forward!

Send me a new Project GLAD® tip each month.