Using GLADĀ®to Prep for Assessments

strategy tips Jun 07, 2021

The weather is warm, the flowers are blooming. That means it's assessment season! Sorry, you'll never look at spring the same way again.  

Whether gearing up for a classroom-based assessment or one that is more formal, teachers usually ask,  

"Does the GLAD® model include any strategies for summative assessment, or to help students prepare for summative assessment?" 

The Graffiti Wall is just such a strategy! We don't often have time to model it in a training, so if you haven't seen it yet here are some tips.  

  • The teacher composes test questions for the number of teams in the class. One question each is written at the top of a piece of chart paper and they are placed around the room.  
  • You may choose to hang the question chart next to another chart that could be a resource for the answer. 
  • The questions can be written in black ink, the teacher color, or the color of the corresponding team that will begin at that chart.  
  • Teams go to a chart and answer the question using a marker of their team's color. They also add a new question, using the same question type, i.e., multiple choice, true/false, sketch and label. 
  • Teams rotate to a new chart, answer the question that team wrote and contribute a new question.  

By the end of the process, if there are 6 teams in the room, they will have answered 6 and created another 6. All of the questions can then be typed up and, Voilà!, you have a student-created assessment or study sheet based on the content and language you have hanging on the walls that represents the knowledge base for your unit of study. 

You've almost made it to the finish line! Don't lose momentum now!  

Cheering for you! 

Jody and Sara 


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The full version of the Graffiti Wall strategy is what participants in the Path to Proficiency are working on this month.

Don't miss out on another year!

The Path to Proficiency is a year-long, self-paced coaching program that covers over 20 Project GLAD® strategies in-depth with video lessons, templates, and more. It is the most comprehensive online coaching program to support teachers with GLAD®  implementation.  

There's still time to take advantage of Early Bird pricing if you register your staff before July 31st!

Find out more about P2P 

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Looking for a GLAD® training this summer?

Online Research and Theory Workshops:

August 9-12 (9am-noon)

October 5, 7, 11, 13, 15 (12:30-3:00)

January 25, 27, 31, Feb 2, 4 (12:30-3:00)

Get your staff started on their Project GLAD® journey today!



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